Wednesday 22 January 2014

2014 is my year!

Well hello 2014!

I seem to have a much more positive outlook on life in general this year- I always read positive quotes in a morning on Instagram to set me up right for the day.
I have even started yoga- I mean actually started yoga!! (Christ if me this time last year could see this--)

I am in a much better place this year, I have deleted all the bad people from my life- and only kept the ones who matter!

I am starting to live my life for ME and not to please others, before I used to care way too much about what others would think of me.. but now when i'm shopping I don't think- what would so and so say if they saw me in this. If I like it - I buy it. Simple. I'm the same with make up and beauty items, some may say I'm crazy for spending the amount of money I do on beauty and skin care items. But trust me I would rather spend my money on that than other things such as alcohol and nights out!

I feel much more cleansed this year- like my mind is free. I can be who I want to be and I have really found my identity. Yes it has taken me some years but I have definitely found it. I am Kerry and I will be the person I want to be, not the person other people want me to be. I do not want to be moulded into the 'perfect woman' I don't want people to say oh you should be like this, you should have your hair like this etc.
I will be who I want to be and embrace that.

2014 is also a year where I want to try new challenges- experience new things. I do not want to be stuck in this little village all my life. I need to explore! There is so much more out there for me and I need to grab those opportunities with both hands!

So come on 2014 let's show them what we're made of!

Do you have any aspirations/dreams/hopes for the year?
Have you changed since last year?

Let me know!

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